2024-2025 Monday Night League
Monday Night League
Recreational leagues are for curlers of all abilities that have taken a learn to curl class or participated in a 5 or 6-week mini-league.
2 draws: 6:00 PM and 8:30 PM, 16 Teams
2024-2025 Tuesday Day Recreational
Tuesday Day League
Recreational leagues are for curlers of all abilities that have taken a learn to curl class or participated in a 5 or 6-week mini-league.
1 draw: 10 am, 8 teams
2024-2025 Tuesday Night Competitive League
Tuesday Competitive League:
This league is for competitive teams and the league has a different format of play than other nights. At the end of the season, the teams with the lowest standings at the end of the playoffs will playdown against any teams interested in playing in the competitive league. The playdown will take place at the end of the season and before the sign-up process for the season next summer. Teams that do not return to Tuesday night are not guaranteed placement in other leagues for the following season.
2 draws: 6:00 pm and 8:30 pm, 16 teams
2024-2025 Wednesday Day League
Wednesday Day League
2024-2025 Wednesday Night League
Wednesday Night League
Recreational leagues are for curlers of all abilities that have taken a learn to curl class or participated in a 5 or 6-week mini-league. The league can help you put a team together if you sign up as one or two or three. We usually play a round robin and then a bonspiel style playoff for a league champion.
2 draws: 6:00 PM and 8:30 PM, 16 teams
2024-2025 Thursday Day League
Thursday Day League
Recreational leagues are for curlers of all abilities that have taken a learn to curl class or participated in a 5 or 6-week mini-league.
1 draw: 10:00 am, 8 teams
2024-2025 Thursday Night League
Thursday Night League
Recreational leagues are for curlers of all abilities that have taken a learn to curl class or participated in a 5 or 6-week mini-league.
2 draws: 6:00 and 8:30 pm, 16 teams
2024-2025 Sunday Doubles League
Sunday Doubles
2 players versus 2 players, any two people can join as a team. All skill levels are welcome. Please consider joining with more than two people if you cannot commit to making the majority of weekends.
2 Draws: 9:00 am and 11:00 am, 16 teams
2024-2025 Friday Afternoon Curling - Winter
Friday Afternoon Curling
Friday Night League
You may sign up as a team, or partial group (2-3) or single and the coordinator will populate the line-up each week with those attending. Teams signing up as 4 will be expected to play as 4 and provide coverage for the team as needed.
1 draw: 5:00 pm, 8 teams
2024-2025 Friday Night League - Winter
Friday Night League
Friday Night League
You may sign up as a team, or partial group (2-3) or single and the coordinator will work with teams to ensure learning opp0rtunities for all members.. Teams signing up as 4 will be expected to play as 4 and provide coverage for the team as needed.
1 draw: 7:30 pm, 8 teams
2024-2025 Sunday Open Rec League - Winter
Sunday Open Rec League
Recreational league for curlers of all abilities that have taken a learn to curl class or participated in a 5 or 6-week mini-league. This league welcomes players of all levels and provides opportunities for beginning curlers who haven't played on a team yet to work with more seasoned players to learn the game of curling.
You may sign up as a team, or partial group (2-3) or single players. Coordinator will help determine teams for a good mix of abilities. Signing up as 4 will be expected to play as 4 and provide subs for the team as needed during the season.
1 draw: 5:00 pm, 8 teams
2024-2025 Sunday Night League - Winter
Sunday Night Recreational League
Recreational leagues are for curlers of all abilities that have taken a learn to curl class or participated in a 5 or 6-week mini-league.
1 draw: 7:30 pm, 8 teams
2024-2025 Saturday Dinner League - Winter
Saturday Dinner Recreation League
The Saturday Dinner League is a unique recreational league for curlers of all abilities who have taken at least a learn to curl class or participated in a 5-6 week mini-league. It is typically a mix of long-time and newer curlers. Teams typically sign-up, in rotation, to bring a light dinner for the league for broomstacking after curling (2-3 times per team each year). This is a great league for those who travel or have work commitments during the week. We also have had a few youth teams over the years and it is a common second league option.
You may sign up as a team, or partial group (2-3) or single. The league coordinator will work to match singles or partial teams so that there is a mix of experienced and newer curlers, allowing for growth and development.
1 draw at 4:15 p.m., 8 teams