Membership & Leagues

Registration: 2025 - 2026 information not yet public. 
Spring Mini Leagues:  
Mini league registration will open for current DCC members March 24th at 9a and for non-members March 31st at 9a
Sign up for members is now OPEN.  Go to League Registration on the Member's Menu.
Sundays - Instructional league, one evening draw
For new folks who have not curled before. 
Monday - Mini league, 2 evening draws
For folks who have experience curling, either at DCC or another curling facility. You will be playing in both draws throughout the league.
Tuesday - Hi/low league, 2 evening draws
Each team will be composed of 2 experienced curlers and 2 less-experienced curlers. You will be playing in both draws throughout the league.
Wed - Mini leagues, 1 morning draw, 2 evening draws
Morning league is a single draw. For evening league, you will be playing in both draws throughout the league.
Full Season Leagues:  
  • Returning members that register during the first wave will get their places back in the same leagues from last season.
  • New members will be able to register after returning members have registered. *New members need to have curling experience to play in DCC leagues.

*Curling experience is anyone that has curled in a league before at any curling club or someone that has completed a 5-6 week instructional mini-league in the last year. Open-house events and 2-hour learn-to-curl events are NOT considered enough instruction to be able to curl in a full-season league.

If you have any questions, please contact our This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Social and Subbing/Practice memberships*: 

  • Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

*You must have completed a Learn-to-Curl class to practice, or sub.  



Junior Program on Saturday Morning:

Subbing:  Teams are always looking for a sub when someone is away or sick.  Select the leagues in which you're willing to help. You can sign up for as many leagues as you wish. 


Questions?  Check out our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

You can change your Information, Volunteering and Subbing at any time by using the appropriate selection in the "Members Menu." 

Contact Us

Denver Curling Club 

Denver Curling Center is located at:
14100 W 7th Ave, Golden, CO 80401

Email: General Email Inquiries
Subscribe:   New Curler - Learn to Curl Notification List 

Follow Us

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Organization Information

The Denver Curling Club is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization committed to teaching, developing, promoting, and encouraging the spirit of curling; to develop youth and adult programs that lead to local, national, and international competitions. We host leagues, learn-to-curl clinics, corporate team building events, and open houses from September to May.   Contact us to learn more about this awesome sport and the benefits of joining the Denver Curling Club.

© 2024 Denver Curling Club, All Rights Reserved