Darrick Kizlyk

- Position:
- Director, Programs
I started curling from age 11-13 in an 8 sheet facility in Welland, Ontario, Canada. At 13, I moved to the USA and wasn't able to curl again for 12 years until stumbling across an open house with the Broadmoor club in Colorado Springs in 2003. I learned all about "arena curling" in both Colorado Springs and when Denver curled at the Ice Ranch in Littleton. I served as a board member for the Broadmoor Club for 4 years, including 1 year as vice president and taught hundreds of people in learn to curl events - some of whom are active DCC members today. I also started the annual Mile High Bonspiel in Colorado Springs which is now in its 12th season.
At the DCC, I was chairperson and/or co-chair for the inaugural Welcome to Our Spiel, New Year's Spiel, and Mile High Open - 3 events now annual traditions at the club. I was also the initial point of contact for bringing in the Margarita Bonspiel to the club. On the national level, I was nominated and served on the USCA instruction committee where we revamped the curriculum for instruction now in use across the country and also the requirements for instructors. I have also been fortunate enough to skip in 12 national events (5 mixed nationals, 4 mixed doubles, and 3 club nationals) and made the playoffs at different times in each. Perhaps our best accomplishment though was the Colorado team receiving a special award given at the 2012 Club Nationals for sportsmanship as voted on by all of the teams. Through the years I have made a number of friends across the US and Canada and continue to see the success stories of clubs in the US and Canada, but also the failures - reminders that sound decisions are important to ensure the vitality of the club in the future.
The DCC is a wonderful facility that started from the dreams and hopes of a few that almost 400 members now enjoy. I hope to continue the success and hard work the board has achieved the first 3 years while ensuring the club is financially sound and is a welcoming and memorable place for all well into the future.