Phil Moir
Past President 2018-19, President (2016 to 2018) - Elected June 2012, re-elected 2014, re-elected 2016
A close friend and well-respected member told me recently that he felt that the Denver Curling Center is nothing short of a modern miracle and something we should all be so very proud of. I was sharing with him about some of the numerous things that I was working on as a current Board member and Vice-President. We always have a long list of things that need to be accomplished including membership issues, bonspiel and event planning, building maintenance, email after email, the ice crew, communications, finances, etc. It’s easy to get bogged down in it all and forget to stop, look around and celebrate. It is a miracle! The fantastic modern building, 370+ members, the huge interest in corporate events and public learn to curls, a nationally recognized ice technician, an incredible army of volunteers, successful bonspiels, and our increasing recognition on the national scene. Denver Curling has it all, in only our 2nd year of operations at the Denver Curling Center, we are second to none. My goal is to engrave this message in the minds of every member when they are thinking about complaining about small nitpicky things because it’s clear they don’t see what I see. We certainly have room for improvement, we need feedback and we are learning every day, but with strong leadership from an engaged Board of Directors, and members willing to volunteer their precious time to build a curling community we have and will continue to succeed!
The next few years I see as a balancing act, to achieve continued success. Number one we have large loans and bills to be paid. We are trying to find the right balance between the numbers of leagues, social events, bonspiels, corporate and public learn to curls to pay the bills. At the same time, we are creating a strong, vibrant and self-sustaining curling family. My priority is to find that right balance.
A few curling things about me; curled for over 30 years; moved to Denver from Nova Scotia, Canada in 2011; a USCA Course Conductor for Curling Instruction, a Vice-President of Denver Curling, co-chaired the national Mixed Doubles Championship in December 2015; curled in 3 National events in the last 4 years, curled in numerous bonspiels, co-chaired The Mile High Open, lead or participated in numerous learn to curls and skills clinics.
A few other things about me; currently working for the Cherry Creek School District in the Information Systems Division as a Program Evaluator, in my past life I was a Geologist with the Geological Survey of Canada, a project manager, and manager of information systems.